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Create your own 3D games like pros, With blender game engine 2.76
Date de publication
Nombre de pages
19,2 x 24,2 x 2,4 cm
375 g
Langue d'origine

Create your own 3D games like pros

With blender game engine 2.76



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Reserved, for a long time, to a small circle of enthusiast developers, 3D is not yet commonly used by independent video games development studios (the Indies). And it's for a good reason: the entrance ticket is relatively high. Create a 3D game requires a lot of knowledge because it's a multidisciplinary domain. In addition, software are mostly overpriced and development times are much longer than for 2D games. With this book, we want you to discover this vast field, with an introduction to the creation of several types of games, arcade games such as "platform" for FPS (First-Person Shooter), through adventure games or racing cars. We realize that it's difficult for a newbie to make his first game, but we hope we'll give him the motivation to increase one's knowledge with many tutorials and videos web-based. Before being a book on Blender, this is primarily a book about video games creation. Ultimately, what better use of a computer can we expect that the creation of his own universe and the possibility to see it live and grow? Limited only by imagination... Game is entertainment, but it's also a great tool for learning. The "Serious Games" and edutainment games have a great future ahead of them. The author discovered the computer through the Amstrad CPC 464 and a book "Adventure Game Writers Handbook for CPC" written by Jörg Walkowiak. For that reason, his first book is dedicated to this topic. Passionate about game development and player, he wanted to pay tribute to all those games that have revolutionized the field. With this book, the author hoped that young people can find more enjoyment in creating games than playing them. Computer engineer by training, he has created two video games that have been published in France, Germany and the United States. He hosts a blog on video game creation, with a particular attention to game engines and 3D graphics:
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